About Us

Welcome to SUPERSET, where we believe that achieving fabulous nails shouldn't require hours of effort or a hefty price tag. We're here to show you that effortless, affordable, beautiful manicures can be achieved at home, in minutes - no special skills or artistic ability required.

At SUPERSET, we're all about making nail care easy, affordable, and oh-so-stylish. Because when it comes to nails, we believe everyone deserves to shine!

 Our online store is stocked with a wide range of beautiful colours and designs that will have your nails looking like you've just stepped out of a salon. (But without the salon prices, of course!)

Whether you're a nail newbie or a seasoned pro, we've got you covered. Our semi cured gel stickers are designed to make your nail care routine a little more fun and a lot more fabulous. 

woman with SUPERSET semi cured gel nails on, smiling widely

SUPERSET brings the latest nail tech innovation with SEMI-CURED GEL: presenting the shine and durability of salon quality gel in a hypoallergenic sticker format for a SUPER EASY application.

These flexible strips cure fully under UV light and molds to the shape of your own nails for a lasting, salon-quality manicure in minutes.

SUPERSET Gelly Nails means you can say goodbye to expensive, time-consuming salon appointments, and no more streaky, messy nail polish. Best of all, SUPERSET is VEGAN, NON-TOXIC and HYPOALLERGENIC.

 3 hands of different skin tones wearing SUPERSET pink shades

What is Semi Cured Gel Nail Stickers?

Semi-cured gel is the latest innovation in nail technology. It uses real salon-quality gel that is partially cured and combines it with hypoallergenic nail adhesive to deliver an easy-to-apply nail strip.
Each strip is flexible, and every kit contains a range of sizes to fit all nail shapes and sizes. Once you apply the strip to your nails and cure it under a UV lamp for 60 seconds, it becomes fully cured, resulting in a salon-quality manicure that lasts for up to 2 weeks.


Why SUPERSET Gelly Nail Kit?

SUPERSET gelly mani kit can deliver you salon quality, professional looking manicures at a fraction of the cost and in a fraction of the time of a traditional salon gel mani or a DIY at home gel mani.
When applied and cured correctly, a SUPERSET Gelly Mani can give you up to 2 weeks of chip-free, glossy wear.
No liquids or powders | No mess | No fuss 
SUPERSET gelly mani kit is non-toxic, HEMA free and vegan.